Clay Aiken: Why he is a target
Ever since the AI2 season aired I've been paying close attention to Clay and what he says and does. I've also paid attention to his detractors, who they are, what they say and what they do. In an effort to stick with facts some contributing factors will be left out of what I've seen happen. Lets begin with when this all started.
Remember Wildcard night? America chose Clay as their pick for the top 12. On Filth2go Billy Masters began calling Clay "Gay Clay" as soon as that show aired and he didn't missed a chance to continue the innuendos for the entire season. Then, in their infinite wisdom, the show gave Clay a pink dressing room. Let's not forget about the better suited to "Broadway" comments which some took as an indication that all Broadway actors/singers are gay.
Now that the stage has been set let's move on to who and why.
Comics & Gossip mongers:During the AI2 season and the AI2 tour it was obvious that Clay was mega talented, was gaining in popularity and acquiring a large fan base. He was still an unworldly country boy, kind of nerdy, soft spoken, polite with a sweet manner and so easy to make the butt of a joke. The comics had a field day and the gossip bloggers, lacking any real scandal picked up on the gay card. Clay Aiken was good for a laugh and dissing him on a gossip site brought hits. Hits translate to money earned. The comics and gossip mongers fed off each other.
Other Idols fans: Threatened by Clay's success, a small but loud segment of two other idols began doing every thing in their power to bring Clay down. They went to message boards like Survivor Sucks and TWOP to spread their venom. The called DJs pretending to be obnoxious Clay fans in order to stop Clay from getting air play. They broke his CD cases and hid his CDs to prevent sales. They declared war on Clay and his fans. To this day you can find them on those two boards carrying on their vendetta. Carrie Underwood is getting some of the same treatment because she's done so well. They take advantage of the blogger sites to spread their venom. Their motive is jealousy.
Gay Militants:Having bought into the rumors and allegations that Clay is gay, they are pissed off at him and want him to join their cause. They have decided that he's lying and nothing will convince them otherwise. God forbid they should be wrong in their assumptions. Funny thing is, you have to wonder why GLAAD isn't out there defending Clay. Ah - they only defend their own and Clay isn't theirs.
Anti-Christians: Clay has made no secret of his faith and belief in Jesus Christ. Another segment of society Clay has managed to anger by being true to himself. Not much else needs to be said about those who hate Christianity.
Former fans:Now this is an interesting group. They are angry with Clay because they expected him to fall all over them. Either because of their looks or what they've done for his charity. When Clay didn't meet their expectations they turned on him.
Faghags: Another interesting group. Straight women who get off on man to man sex. This group needs Clay to be gay to fulfill their fantasies. What makes this group so bad is that they've spread their fan fiction stories to the various gay gossip sites as fact thereby feeding the other factions who are targeting Clay.
Tabloids:Smut sells. A story need not be true to get printed in one of the tabloids. After all, they pay for "news". They also use weasel words to cover their butts and protect them from libel suits. Their motive is money.
Anyone who has recognized themselves is not going to be happy with what I've written. Anyone familiar with what I've said will know that some of the same people fall into more than one group. I do know that I am not alone in what I've seen happen to Clay Aiken in the past 5 years. The other day, a list was made by another fan and while I won't name her, I do want to thank her for prompting me to spell out why Clay Aiken is a target, who is targeting him, and why they do it.
For more on Clay check out Clay Aiken The Idol
Labels: Aiken, Clay,Clay Aiken, target,