Truth Rules

A blog for fans of Clay Aiken. It may take a while but in the end, truth will win out over lies. Keep it clean, no threats ... and if I don't like what you say I own the delete key.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Clay Nation - the silent majority speaks out

There's a rule on all the Clay Aiken message boards about not discussing other boards or posters. What this has done is allow those with nefarious intentions to get away with spreading lies about Clay in safety because no one can call them out and there has been no where any of us who care about him could gather and share what we knew about these people.

All that changed when Chexxxy started her board. You bet your ass we know who these liars and gossip mongers are. And you know what? They are scared silly now. So they are trying their damnedest to shift the focus onto Chexxxy to save their own hides.

Guess what - it is not going to work. The only rule at Chexxxy's is you damn well better respect Clay Aiken. Simple. You don't respect him, your out. You call him a liar, your out. That's what all these detractors have in common. And that's why they are so pissed off at Chexxxy. She will not tolerate their antics. If feeling the same way makes me a follower tough. Get used to it, because the silent majority is tired of being silent, tired of the disrespect towards Clay and tired of the lies being spread around by a certain few. And yes, you can bet your ass we know who you are.

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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Clay Aiken and the tabloid press

The tabloids have gone and done it again. Took a kernel of truth and created a fictionalized story around it.

Truth: There have been disagreements on the Clay Aiken fan club message board but not over what the NY Post reported.

You see, the fan club message board is PG-13. Twice in the past few weeks a moderator posted links to tabloid/gossip sites which is against the TOU (Terms of Use). She broke the rules everyone else is supposed to abide by. Now, if you've been to some of these sites you know a lot of the comments are nasty and vulgar. Not the place to be sending minors. The TOU specifically state no gossip is to be posted. So yes, quite a number of members were understandably disturbed and said so. The arguments had nothing to do with orientation. It was all about gossip and breaking the TOU.

Truth: The Clay Aiken fan club message board was shut down over the weekend but it's back up.

Truth: Someone with an agenda contacted the tabloids/gossip columns and put their own twist on what happened. The NY Post ran with it without checking facts - and the rest of the gossip mongers followed suit.

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Clay Aiken & David Foster

There were quite a few mentions in the Canadian press this past week about Clay being in Canada with David Foster. If your wondering what kind of music these two could make together take a listen to this Lover All Alone set to a montage of Grey's Anatomy. David Foster wrote the music. Clay Aiken wrote the lyrics.

If your not a Grey's Anatomy fan, there are lots of other montages on YouTube that were made using this song where you can listen.

Sadly, this song is only available as a bonus when you download Clay's A Thousand Different Ways album from iTunes.

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