Truth Rules

A blog for fans of Clay Aiken. It may take a while but in the end, truth will win out over lies. Keep it clean, no threats ... and if I don't like what you say I own the delete key.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Clay, Decca and Dancing Bananas

Yesterday Clay Aiken announced on his official site that he had signed with Universal/Decca and to look for new music from him in early 2010.

That news was what the Clay Nation has been waiting for and the celebrating began. It's been a while since I've seen this many smiley faces or dancing bananas on Clay message boards.

Last night on the Clay Aiken fan boards it was party time.

This is a short listing of what some bloggers are saying.

Clay Aiken- IT IS SOON!!! | Clay Aiken News Network

Carolina On My Mind: Clay Aiken Signs with UMG Decca

The Life and Times (past, present and future) of a Clay Aiken Fan ...

All That Is Clay Aiken: Clay Aiken Signs With Universal Music's ...

Ashes Clay The Man: Clay Aiken Signs with Universal Music's Decca ...

The ConCLAYve: Don't Look Back

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