elprup selkcip dna sgniht elprup
Fun with Purple
- it's not just a color
Professor Plum
Tidyup (hint - purple blob)
elprup selkcip
Daucus carota 'Purple Dragon'
The Purple Onion
Phaseolus vulgaris 'Purple Queen'
The Color Purple
Deep Purple
Physalis ixocarpa 'Purple de Milpa'
Purple Top Strapleaf
Purple Heart
Tinky Winky
Purple Rain
purple finger
Purple Haze
- it's not just a color
Professor Plum
Tidyup (hint - purple blob)
elprup selkcip
Daucus carota 'Purple Dragon'
The Purple Onion
Phaseolus vulgaris 'Purple Queen'
The Color Purple
Deep Purple
Physalis ixocarpa 'Purple de Milpa'
Purple Top Strapleaf
Purple Heart
Tinky Winky
Purple Rain
purple finger
Purple Haze
And purple is the O-fficial color of the LBFCA (of which I am a proud member)! Too bad we've kind of (unofficially) named what's-his-face the "purple pickle". He's gonna give purple a bad name!
But he's a much deeeeeper purple than our purple.
Aw, I forgot the purple eater. sniff sniff
Deep Purple is a group of good looking guys....
Amazing what you can find with Google.
From Purple Pang by Dylan Maiden
"His face was like the surface of the moon on its driest day, the powdered surface included—only in this case the moon would be purple. His big puffy nose was like a purple balloon. He always wore thin polyester shirts that emanated his putrid purple stench. It always smelled as though he had washed them in pickle juice."
And we know where he hangs that putrid purple stench dripping pickle juiced flopper.
See you at the ranch Carol. We still have 1 Ace up our sleeve if things get really bad again....
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